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Your personal data will be used to process your enrollment, support your experience on this website, and for other purposes described in our Koh Young e-Learning Center Privacy Policy.

Koh Young e-Learning Center Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to KOH YOUNG TECHNOLOGY Inc. (“KOH YOUNG”, “KY”, “we”, “our”, or “us”). Therefore, we have developed this Privacy Policy to provide you with transparency on how we collect, use, share, and store information, including personal information, when you access the KOH YOUNG e-Learning Center (“KY e-Learning Center”) in compliance with domestic/foreign personal information-related regulations. The privacy policy may be changed due to the revision of the law, information policy, and our internal policy. If we revise the privacy policy, it will be announced through our KY e-Learning Center (or individual notice).

1. Purposes of Processing Personal Information

KOH YOUNG processes your personal information for the following purposes:

1. To identify targets of our product information(e-Learning), manage course records, and restrict access

2. To handle complaints and inquires

The information being processed will not be used for any other purpose, and if there is any changes to the purpose of use, necessary measures will be implemented, such as obtaining separate consent under Article 18 of the Privacy Act.

2. Personal Information Processing and Retention Period

KOH YOUNG uses your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protect Act. We only use personal information that you have agreed to provide and use personal information only within the period of use and destroy the personal information without delay when it’s no longer needed.
Information Collected Essential information to provide our product information. - Essential Information: Name, Company, E-mail Address
Collection Method Consent to collect/use personal information
Period of retention and utilization 3 years

3. Entrustment of Personal Information

To facilitate the processing of your personal information, KOH YOUNG entrusts the processing of personal information as follows:
  • Entrusted Company: Yozii Inc.

    - Entrusted Operations: KY e-Learning Center (LMS) Development and Maintenance, etc.

    - Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information: Until the entrustment agreement term has expired.

    • When entrusting your personal information, it is safely processed in compliance with the following:

      - Prohibition of processing personal information other than the purpose of performing entrusted operations.

      - Technical and administrative protection of personal information.

      - Purpose and scope of entrustment.

      - Re-entrustment Restrictions.

      - Measures to secure safety, such as restriction of access to personal information.

      - Supervision of the management status of personal information held in relation to entrusted operations.

      - Liability, such as compensation for damages, in case the entrusted company violates its obligations to comply.

    • If the details of the entrusted operations or the entrusted company changes, it will be disclosed without delay through this privacy policy.

4. Rights and Responsibilities of Users & Legal Representatives and Exercising Those Rights

  1. ① You may exercise your right to access, correct, delete, and suspend personal information at any time - Request for access to personal information, request for correction, request for deletion, request for suspension of processing, etc
  1. ② The rights under paragraph (1) may be exercised in writing, by e-mail, by FAX, etc. pursuant to Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and we will take an action without delay.
  1. ② If you request correction or deletion of personal information errors, etc., we will not use or provide such personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
  1. ④ The exercise of rights under paragraph (1) may be practiced through your legal representative or delegated representative. In such cases, a power of attorney under attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act shall be submitted.
  1. ⑤ You shall not infringe on the personal information and privacy of yourself or others handled by us in violation of the relevant laws, such as the Personal Information Protection of Act.

5. Destruction of Personal Information

  1. ① When personal information is no longer needed, such as the expiration of the period of retention and the achievement of the purpose, KOH YOUNG shall destroy the personal information without delay.
  1. ② If your personal information must be retained despite the expiration of retention period and the achievement of the purpose, the personal information will be moved to a separate database (DB) or retained in a different place.
  1. ③ Procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

    - Destruction Procedure: After the purpose of your personal information has been achieved, your personal information will be destroyed according to internal policies and other procedures under relevant laws and regulations.

    - Method of Destruction: We will destroy personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files using a technical method that cannot reproduce records and personal information recorded and stored in paper will be destroyed by shredding or incinerating.

6. Measures to Secure the Safety of Personal Information

KOH YOUNG takes technical, administrative, and physical measures necessary for securing safety of your information as follows in accordance with Article 29, and Article 30 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  1. ① We ensure that the privacy policy is observed through the minimum designation of the person in charge and regular training of the person in charge.
  1. ② An internal management plan is established and implemented to ensure safe processing of personal information.
  1. ③ Personal information is securely stored and managed through encryption, and sensitive data is encrypted when stored and transmitted.
  1. ④ To prevent leakage or damage of your personal information due to hacking or computer viruses, security programs are installed and monitored through periodic updates and inspections.
  1. ⑤ We control access to personal information through proper management of access to database systems that process personal information.
  1. ⑥ We use an encryption system for document security to prevent information from being recognized in the event of a leakage.
  1. ⑦ Access control procedures are established and operated for the physical storage location of the personal information system.

7. The Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

  1. ① To provide you with quality service, KOH YOUNG uses 'cookies' that store your information.
  1. ② Cookies are small amounts of information sent to your computer browser by servers (http or https) used to run websites and are sometimes stored on hard disks within your PC computer.

    - Purpose of Cookies: To provide quality service and information to users through information collection such as ID and page status

    - Installation/Operation and Refusal of Cookies: You can refuse to save cookies through the Tools>Internet Options>Privacy menu at the top of the Web browser.

8. Installation and operation of video information processing equipment

① The company installs and operates video information processing equipment as follows.
  1. 1. Basis/Purpose of installing video information processing equipment: Safety of company facilities and fire prevention
  1. 2. Number of units installed, installation location, shooting range: 144 units installed in major facilities such as the office building lobby and hallways, and the shooting range covers the entire space of the major facilities.
  1. 3. Person in charge of management, department in charge, and person with access to video information: Facility Management Team / Deputy Manager Han Chang-yeop
  1. 4. Video information recording time, storage period, storage location, and processing method

    - Shooting period: 24 hours shooting

    - Storage period: 30 days (1 month) from the time of shooting

    - Storage location and processing method: Storage and processing in the server room on the second floor of the company

  1. 1. How and where to check video information: After applying to view information, you can view it in the security room on the 1st floor.
  1. 2. Measures for the information subject's request to view video information, etc.: Applications must be made with a request for viewing and existence of personal video information, and when the information subject himself or herself is filmed or when it is clearly necessary for the benefit of the information subject's life, body, or property Access is permitted for one year only.
  1. 3. Technical, managerial and physical measures to protect video information: Establishment of internal management plan, access control and access authority restrictions, safe storage of video information and application of total loss technology, storage of processing records and measures to prevent forgery and falsification, provision of storage facilities, and Installation of locks, etc

9. Chief Privacy Officer & Responsible Personnel

① KOH YOUNG has designated the following persons as the Chief Privacy Officer and Personal Information Manager to remain responsible for responding to user inquiries regarding personal information and resolving any related complaints
Chief Privacy Officer Personal Information Manager
Name: Yongwoon Lee Tel: 02-6343-6000 FAX: 02-6363-6001 Email: Name: JinSeop Shin Tel: 02-6343-6000 FAX: 02-6363-6001 Email:
② The Chief Privacy Officer and Personal Information Manager shall immediately report to KOH YOUNG and take measures for improvement if he/she finds out that the relevant laws are violated in connection with the protection of personal information. ③ You may contact the Chief Privacy Officer and the Personal Information Manager regarding all personal information protection inquiries, complaints handling, damage relief, etc. that have occurred while using our service.

9. Request to Access Personal Information

You may request the following departments to access personal information under Article 35 of the Privacy Act. KOH YOUNG will try to expedite your personal information access request.
  • Department for Requesting to Access Personal Information

    - Department: HR

    - Person in Charge: JinSeop Shin

    - Contact: 02-6343-6000 /

10. Relief for Infringement of Rights

You may contact the agencies below for damage relief, counseling, etc. regarding personal information breaches.
Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee Supreme Prosecutor’s Office National Police Agency Cyber Bureau
118 1833-6972 02-3480-2000 182
The above institutions are not affiliated with KOH YOUNG, so please contact us if you are not satisfied with our personal information complaint handling and damage relief results or if you need further assistance.

11. Changes to Privacy Policy

  1. ① Effective Date: 2024.03.01
The previous versions the privacy policy can be found below:

- Effective 2024.03.01 ~ 2025.02.28

- Effective 2023.03.01 ~ 2024.02.29

- Effective 2022.03.01 ~ 2023.02.28